Fabrice Triboix,英国伦敦的开发者
Fabrice is available for hire
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Fabrice Triboix

Verified Expert  in Engineering

DevOps Developer

September 6, 2017

Fabrice是一名云架构师, DevOps engineer, 拥有20多年经验的软件开发人员. 他为像Armedia这样的客户工作, Topps, and MyDocSafe, 并专门从事安全设计, highly available, scalable, 以及基于AWS和Kubernetes的经济高效的解决方案. Fabrice also assumed managerial positions in the past as a team leader and release manager. 他非常热衷于自动化、IaC和CI/CD,他可以用Python编写代码.


Home Office
Kubernetes, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), GitLab, Drone CI
Armedia LLC
Kubernetes, Helm, Istio, Loki, Prometheus, Grafana, Docker...






The most amazing...

...我设计的项目是安全的, highly available, and scalable architecture on AWS for an intricate web of interdependent services to MyDocSafe.

Work Experience

DevOps Engineer

2022 - 2023
Home Office
  • 接管了一个主要的安全系统,大部分运行在Kubernetes上.
  • Imported code repositories into GitLab and configured CI/CD pipeline on them.
  • Enabled automatic exportation of secrets stored in AWS机密管理器 into Kubernetes secrets.
  • Built various Docker images and automated such builds as part of CI/CD pipelines. 将各种应用部署到Kubernetes中.
技术:Kubernetes, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), GitLab, Drone CI

DevOps Engineer

2021 - 2022
  • Collaborated with the team, building architectures and making them available to other teams.
  • 负责与设计相关的短期任务, implementing, and maintaining cloud architectures for various products used within HMRC.
  • 参与内部基础设施的任务.
Technologies: 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Vault、Terraform、Ansible、GitLab

DevOps Architect

2020 - 2021
Armedia LLC
  • 现代化的ArkCase架构,一个案例管理系统. 建筑是整体的, with ArkCase and half a dozen dependent services running on the same server.
  • Moved to a modern architecture based on Kubernetes, microservices, and Infrastructure-as-Code. Additionally, helped the company build an AWS Marketplace offering for ArkCase.
  • Dockerized各种服务,并为各种服务编写Helm图表.
  • Secured the Kubernetes cluster using network policies and RBAC and installed and configured Istio and observability tools. 使用CloudFormation构建了一个内部PKI.
技术:Kubernetes, Helm, Istio, Loki, Prometheus, Grafana, Docker, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), AWS CloudFormation, Ansible, Python

Cloud Architect

2020 - 2020
  • 重构了Terraform脚本,以最小化更新焦虑.
  • 就涉及传输网关的最佳网络架构提供建议, multiple VPNs, and multiple AWS accounts for a complex flow of IoT data with the right balance between simplicity and efficiency, 同时也是面向未来的.
  • 使用Terraform建立AWS Client VPN,相互认证.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Terraform, VPN, AWS传输网关

DevOps Engineer

2019 - 2020
  • Performed various system administration tasks, especially related to SSL certificates.
  • Dockerized the Ruby-on-Rails web application in order to facilitate deployments.
  • Designed and implemented a MySQL NDB cluster in order to increase the database resiliency.
  • Designed a highly available, microservice-based cloud architecture for the SIBOTest website.
技术:Docker, Ruby on Rails (RoR), MySQL, DigitalOcean


2018 - 2020
Topps Digital
  • 在Python 3中设计、实现并测试了一个后端微服务.6 .在AWS的Elastic Beanstalk上运行.
  • Implemented new services based on Flask and SQLAlchemy as part of a microservice architecture consisting of back-ends to mobile applications allowing users to trade virtual cards.
  • 使用Pytest为许多微服务编写了大量的单元测试.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, Flask-Marshmallow, Flask, Pytest, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Python 3, Python

DevOps Engineer

2019 - 2019
  • Designed and implemented workload architecture on AWS suitable for the startup requirements based on Docker and ECS.
  • Designed and implemented a complex system to generate and manage SSL certificates for this multi-tenant application.
  • Automated workload provisioning using infrastructure-as-code (CloudFormation) such that white labeling would be possible.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Let's Encrypt, SSL, Amazon弹性容器服务(Amazon ECS), Docker, AWS CloudFormation


2017 - 2018
  • 检查BlocknetDX钱包的c++代码,并提出改进建议.
  • 为比特币和以太币的原子交换设计了一个协议, 包括智能合约代码.
  • Designed a protocol for the atomic exchange of Ethereum colored coins following the ERC20 standard.
  • Advised on the Ethereum side of things for the Blocknet whitepaper: http://blocknet.有限公司/白皮书/ Blocknet_Whitepaper.pdf.


2017 - 2017
  • Added new features to an access control system written in C++11 and Python 3.
Technologies: DBus, Docker, Git, C++11, C++, Python 3, Python, Ubuntu, Linux

DevOps Engineer

2016 - 2017
  • Worked as part of the system team—releasing STB software to a major EU broadcaster.
  • Helped design and implement a black box STB test framework written in Python.
  • Set up and maintained a variety of software tools to enable the smooth running of the continuous integration and development/testing work.
  • 使用Jenkins设置Coverity静态分析和夜间自动化.
  • 设置黑鸭开源代码匹配.
  • 配置Nagios并使用自定义Git检查设置NRPE.
  • 在Bash/Python中实现了各种Cron/Jenkins作业,以自动执行任务.
  • 安装并配置DHCP服务器.
  • 在六周迭代的Scrum流程中工作, 这个团队分布在三个国家.
  • 使用的代码库有2000多万行代码.
  • 检测并响应系统问题.
技术:ELK(弹性堆叠), Kibana, Logstash, Elasticsearch, VMware vSphere, VMware ESXi, Rally, Git, NMap, Netfilter, Iptables, Bash, Scrum, 持续集成(CI), BlackDuck Protex, Jenkins, Coverity, Python, Ubuntu, CentOS, Linux

Release Manager

2015 - 2016
  • 致力于基于英仙座的贡献编码器.
  • Acted as the link (release manager) between the development and the product teams.
  • 将高级业务需求转换为技术需求.
  • Established timelines and work breakdown structures in collaboration with the development team.
  • Reported on the progress on a weekly basis and detected and reported impeding difficulties.
  • 设计一个每周迭代的敏捷过程(基于Scrum).
  • Changed the supplier of video cards to a cheaper product with much better support.
  • Coded new features; including debugging and fixing of bugs and also integrated a TS muxer.
Technologies: MPEG, Kernel, Boost, 标准模板库(STL), Scrum, Agile, H.264、Git、Linux、c++ 11、c++


2013 - 2015
  • Worked on the next generation of surveillance camera running on ARM9 with embedded Linux.
  • 设计并开发了日期/时间管理子系统, mass storage, 音频(AAC)和视频(H.264)转换成Flash文件(FLV).
  • 为上述子系统实现了自动化单元测试.
技术:SQLite, H.264、Git、嵌入式Linux、ARM、C语言


2013 - 2013
  • 对WebKit的OpenGL栈的性能进行了调查和分析.
技术:WebKit, OpenGL


2011 - 2013
  • 研究放疗癌症治疗机的调制器.
  • Worked with a team of 15 people (including five who were under my direct management).
  • 开发控制调制器的软件, 从需求到规范, design, implementation, unit tests, 以及整合测试.
  • 做出所有关键决定:选择编程语言(c++), 软件编译套件, coding standards, RTOS vs裸机.
  • 定义了适应这种高完整性软件的c++编码指南.
  • 软件架构设计, including the structure of a 1 kHz control loop with hard real-time requirements.
  • Verified the progress against time estimates and regularly reported to the project manager.
  • 成功演示了概念验证.
技术:门, ASM, Embedded C, Code Composer Studio, RS-232, 串行外设接口, I2C, XML, TCP/IP, UML, Redmine, Subversion (SVN), Embedded Linux, BeagleBone Black, DSP, 软件架构, 项目管理, C++

Software Engineer

2010 - 2010
AB Tools
  • Made modifications to the Icecast MP3 server to seamlessly insert audio ads for internet radio.
技术:AAC, MP3, HTTP, Icecast, C

Software Engineer

2009 - 2010
  • Worked on the next generation of a portable appliance tester running on Integrity.
  • 设计和开发一些GUI屏幕和小部件.
  • Designed and developed C++ classes to access SQLite databases; also designed the database schemas.
  • Proposed an agile iterative software development process; it was partially adopted.
  • 开发了一个USB打印机类驱动程序.
  • 开发了一个Win32 PC应用程序,允许用户升级PAT软件.
  • Developed various device drivers: SPI driver, RTC driver, keyboard driver, and more.
  • 在U-Boot中做了一些修改.
  • Developed a .NET的PC应用程序,实现板卡的自动编程.
技术:USB, SQLite, U-Boot, .NET, C, Microsoft Project, UML, Agile, Visual Studio, Win32 API, C#, C++, Systems

Software Engineer

2007 - 2009
  • 完成下一代IPTV机顶盒的各项工作, 包括CA集成和MPEG Demux驱动程序.
技术:Linux内核,嵌入式Linux, MPEG, IPTV, C

Software Engineer

2006 - 2007
  • Integrated GStreamer to the next generation of digital radios able to play internet audio streams.
  • 开发了RTSP/RTP/RDT栈, ASF Demux, Real Media Demux, 以及HTTP流媒体客户端.
Technologies: GLib, Windows Media Audio (WMA), MP3, Linux, GStreamer, RTCP, RTP, RTSP, SHOUTcast, C

Software Engineer

2006 - 2006
  • Upgraded some software drivers from an old STB to a new one running on Linux.
技术:JTAG, MIPS, Linux Kernel, C

Software Engineer

2006 - 2006
  • Developed some test tools to test STB drivers that wwere developed by STB manufacturers for the US digital TV market.

Software Engineer

2005 - 2006
  • 为一个小小的WiFi板开发了各种软件组件.
  • Delivered successfully an SW—allowing the demonstration of the smallest WiFi board on the market to a key trade exhibition.


2004 - 2005
  • 为一个ADSL调制解调器写了一个Linux蓝牙API调用VxWorks.
  • 利用网络处理器开发了一个以太网网桥.
Technologies: MIPS, TCP/IP, Ethernet, VxWorks, Linux Kernel, Embedded Linux, C

Software Engineer

2003 - 2004
Philips CE
  • 参与下一代高端飞利浦数字电视的研发.
  • 集成了VxWorks USB堆栈.
  • 开发各种插件.
技术:MIPS, Continuum, USB, VxWorks, C

Software Engineer

2003 - 2003
  • 维护一个服务器,为Oracle数据库提供访问服务.
Technologies: CVS, Design Patterns, 标准模板库(STL), Solaris, Oracle, TIBCO Rendezvous, C++


2002 - 2002
  • 负责导弹发射系统试验台的验证工作.

Software Engineer

2001 - 2002
Philips MP4NET
  • 开发了一个网络工具来复制远程视频会话.
  • 维护视频流服务器.
Technologies: RPM, UDP, TCP, Solaris, Linux, CVS, Shell Scripting, RTCP, RTP, RTSP, C++, C

Software Engineer

2000 - 2001
Alcatel Optronics
  • Developed software that was embedded on transmitting laser chips to control the laser's wavelength.
技术:示波器 & 测试设备,MPLAB, C

Software Engineer

1998 - 2000
  • Developed various software modules embedded on military vehicles and planes.
技术:Solaris, CVS, RPM, Microsoft SQL Server, MS-DOS, Linux, C


ThinkAlpha需要从本地迁移服务, physical servers to AWS Cloud to streamline their operations and increase resiliency. They required an unusually high number of environments for various purposes, 每个都复制完全相同的服务. This was a medium-scale project, with about 25 services, six environments, VPNs and Direct Connect.

I proposed the Terraform as Infrastructure-as-Code tool and built the environments from the ground up, 依次添加每个服务. 服务要么是基于节点的应用程序,要么是静态网站. Node应用程序作为Fargate ECS集群运行. 我还帮助了Dockerization过程. Static websites were run as S3 buckets fronted with CloudFront distributions.

使用CircleCI执行持续部署. I updated the CircleCI scripts to deploy the services to AWS instead of the physical servers.

ThinkAlpha在网络方面有一些额外的要求, 并且需要vpn和Direct Connect来连接服务. 为了方便把基础设施移交给ThinkAlpha, I generated templates from the two types of services and documented how to create new services and update the infrastructure for the various environments.


SIBOTest needed to move away from a monolithic and fragile approach of having everything on one server and wanted to up their game as a startup.

I proposed an overhaul of the internal structure of the web app to use microservices based on Docker so that the architecture would be robust and scalable.

Work Done:
· Moved the MySQL databases to a separate subnet, using MySQL NDB Cluster.
·dockerization他们的Ruby on Rails应用程序.
· Set up a continuous-integration system based on Jenkins to automatically build the Docker images.
· Wrote Ansible scripts to automate the provisioning of new servers and deployment of the docker images.

In the end, this multitier architecture was working very nicely, with no reported downtime.


MyDocSafe needed some expert help to design a monitoring system suited to their application. They experienced a lot of instability, server crashes, and performance problems. 一旦这个即时解决方案到位, they required an expert to design and implement a highly available and scalable architecture to run their workload reliably on AWS, 完成自动部署.

Work Done:
• Write Ansible roles and playbook to install CloudWatch Agent on EC2 instances and configure Amazon SNS and CloudWatch to notify key people of alarms on EC2 instances.
• Write Ansible roles and playbook to create Let's Encrypt SSL certificates using DNS challenge, 包括在AWS Route53上创建子域.
• Design a highly available and scalable architecture to reliably run a complex workload.


PSD2Enabler required the setup of CI/CD pipelines on GitLab for various projects.

Work Done:
· Set up a GitLab pipeline to build and deploy an app to AWS using Terraform and Ansible.
· Set up a GitLab pipeline to build and deploy an app to a Kubernetes cluster hosted on the Google Cloud Platform.
· Set up a GitLab pipeline to build and deploy an app to a Kubernetes cluster hosted on AWS EKS.


I worked as part of the system team who released set-top-box software to a major EU broadcaster.

Work Done:
· Set up and maintained a variety of software tools to enable the smooth running of the continuous integration process.
· Set up the Coverity static analysis and enabled nightly automation using Jenkins
· Worked in a Scrum process with three-week iterations with a team spread over three countries.

Linux技术:, CentOS, Coverity, Jenkins, Black Duck, 持续集成, Scrum, Bash, Python, iptables / Netfilter, Nmap, Git, Rally

DevOps Architect

Armedia needed an AWS specialist and DevOps expert to help them modernize the architecture of ArkCase, 案例管理系统. They needed to move from running everything on one server to a modern architecture based on Kubernetes, microservices, 和作为代码的基础设施(IaC). Additionally, they required an AWS expert to help them build an AWS marketplace offering for ArkCase.

- Move from a monolithic architecture to a microservice-based architecture
- Install and configure Istio to encrypt internal traffic and facilitate distributed tracing
- Install and configure observability tools: Loki for log aggregation, Prometheus and Grafana
- Write Lambda functions in Python as CloudFormation custom resources or for admin tasks such as rotating secrets with the SecretsManager
- Build an internal PKI using IaC on AWS using only serverless services; certificates are renewed automatically when they expire and when CA certificates are renewed themselves.


Bash Script, Python, Python 3, C++11, Bash, C, MIPS, UML, XML, Embedded C, C#, Go, C++


Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon弹性容器服务(Amazon ECS), AWS CLI, GitLab CI/CD, NGINX, Ansible, 亚马逊虚拟私有云(VPC), AWS IAM, AWS系统经理, GitLab, Bitbucket, GitHub, Git, DBus, Coverity, BlackDuck Protex, NMap, Rally, VMware vSphere, Logstash, Kibana, Subversion (SVN), Redmine, DOORS, Visual Studio, Microsoft Project, U-Boot, Continuum, TIBCO Rendezvous, CVS, RPM, SHOUTcast, Let's Encrypt, Pytest, VPN, ELK(弹性堆叠), Jenkins, Helm, Istio, Grafana, Vault


Docker, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Linux, Amazon EC2, Kubernetes, AWS Lambda, Ubuntu, CentOS, Kernel, Embedded Linux, VxWorks, BeagleBone Black, Oracle, Solaris, MS-DOS, Ethereum, DigitalOcean, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Drone CI


TCP/IP, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), SSL, Autoscaling, Technical Writing, Iptables, VMware ESXi, H.264, ARM, WebKit, Linux Kernel, Ethernet, 软件架构, DSP, I2C, 串行外设接口, RS-232, Code Composer Studio, Icecast, HTTP, MP3, AAC, Systems, USB, IPTV, TCP, UDP, RTSP, RTP, RTCP, Shell Scripting, MPLAB, Oscilloscopes & Tester Equipment, Windows Media Audio (WMA), PVCS, JTAG, WiFi, Smart Contracts, Bitcoin, AWS传输网关, Prometheus, MPEG, Loki, Observation, AWS机密管理器


Continuous Deployment, 持续集成(CI), Scrum, Agile, Design Patterns, DevOps


MySQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Elasticsearch, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Google Cloud, PostgreSQL


Netfilter, Boost, ASM, .. NET, GStreamer, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Flask


标准模板库(STL), OpenGL, Win32 API, GLib, Flask-Marshmallow, SQLAlchemy, Jenkins Pipeline



1995 - 1998



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Linux Foundation

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